It’s hard to believe that by the enrollment deadline on March 31, more than seven million Americans had signed up for a healthcare plan they could afford on the online marketplace. Here in Pennsylvania, we spent months knocking on doors, making phone calls and passing out leaflets to help people get the coverage they need.
But for half-a-million uninsured Pennsylvanians who don’t make enough to qualify for the online marketplace, Governor Corbett’s refusal to expand Medicaid means they are left high and dry.
Pennsylvania can do better — add your voice to call for real Medicaid expansion.
Carmela Green, a home care worker from Williamsport, is one of those folks who fall in the ‘coverage gap.’ That’s why she and a group of other uninsured Pennsylvanians known as the “Faces of Medicaid,” who camped out in the Capitol over the summer, returned to Harrisburg on March 31 to call for real Medicaid expansion over Governor Corbett’s alternative plan — a plan that reduces coverage for seniors, people with disabilities and our most vulnerable citizens.
Guy Anthony, another “Faces of Medicaid” vigiler explained just how dire the situation is.
“Being uninsured nearly cost me my life,” said Anthony. “Healthcare IS a right and being broke should not equal a death sentence. We need to re-examine our values and remember it’s wrong to delay and deny healthcare. We are better than that as a nation and a people.”
[You can hear stories from the other Faces of Medicaid vigilers on our YouTube page.]
Right now, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) is reviewing Governor Corbett’s proposed alternative “Healthy PA,” plan. If they approve it, thousands of current Medicaid enrollees could see their coverage and access to healthcare drastically reduced.
We need to tell CMS that Medicaid expansion should not hurt our most vulnerable citizens. But we need to take action before April 10 when the public comment period ends.
Our Healthcare Champions have been fighting for years for quality, affordable healthcare and now we have the chance to make that dream real for all Pennsylvanians. Join us in our fight.