SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania is the union of caregivers in the Keystone State. We’re nurses and healthcare workers in hospitals, nursing homes, and state agencies, and direct caregivers for seniors and people with disabilities in their homes. We advocate for the people we care for, we raise the standards of our caring professions, and we fight to make every healthcare job a good, family supporting job.
By uniting caregivers across Pennsylvania, working in every profession and care setting, we are strong. We can negotiate union contracts that enhance care and improve our working lives. We can shift the direction of our changing healthcare system. We can make our voices heard in government to ensure that care is fully funded and held to high standards.
We are proud of what our union has accomplished, and our work doesn’t ever stop! Too many caregivers go to work every day without a voice on the job. Too many people can’t afford the care they need to enjoy healthy, dignified lives. Too many working families are struggling to make ends meet. Too many of us feel excluded and marginalized.
To secure quality care and a better life for all, it’s going to take all of us. No matter what kind of healthcare work you do, no matter where you live or where you’re from, no matter the color of your skin, and no matter who you love, we need each other. If we all organize together, we will transform healthcare and lead the way to a more just and humane society.
We welcome you to browse our website, connect with us on social media, and stay updated on our campaigns. If you’re a caregiver in Pennsylvania and you’d like to make improvements at work, please contact us about how to organize a union.
In solidarity,
Executive Board of Nurses and Healthcare Workers,
SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania