The Occupy Movement is the root and we are the branches
After the march, I met an Occupy activist on the subway headed back. We had a conversation. He told me what he wants – to have a job, be able to take care of himself and live with dignity and I explained to him the value of the union – how through it, working people achieved the 40 hour week, time and a half and better working conditions.
We realized that we share the same goals – to provide for our families and live off of what what we make. It shouldn’t be a privilege to have a job, health care, food or a roof over our heads. The way corporations and the government is treating people is like we are dogs waiting under the table for scraps to fall.
If we don’t stand up it will only get worse; these corporations and the government they are buying are trying to influence laws to their advantage and in the process are influencing human life. They are buying their way into office and representing only the 1%.
Recently, I was at a baby shower and someone asked me why I was going I was going to DC – they said they thought the Occupiers are dirty and need a job. I told them this is not the case – many of these activists are students who went to college and can’t pay back their student loans and other people who have lost their jobs.
Congress and corporations aren’t listening and we don’t have money to buy politicians – the only way people are going to get heard is by going out and protesting. With all the the various groups coming together, what we did accomplish today was amazing.
I believe that the Occupy movement is the root and we are the branches… we are all the 99%.