We demand to know where he stands on unemployment insurance and job creation!
Western Pennsylvania healthcare workers – nurses, nursing home workers and home care aides- participated in Take Back the Capitol today by meeting with Rep. Mike Kelly from PA’s 3rd district. Some of the workers, like Laura Hayford & Diana Crosby from Erie shared their experiences being out of work and having no benefits.
We had two questions for Rep. Kelly- “Will you support extending unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed?” and “Will you support raising taxes on millionaires to help put people back to work in our communities?” We didn’t get clear answers, but we did get handed a list of all the “job creating” legislation that Rep. Kelly voted for. This list includes deals to promote trade with Colombia, Panama & South Korea, and also legislation that would weaken environmental safeguards and financial regulations that are in place to protect the public. None of the bills he touted would put resources into getting Americans back to work now.