On Friday’s COVID-19 Response Video Meeting co-hosted by Nurse Alliance of SEIU HCPA and Nurses of PA, over 120 nurses came together to talk about the crisis, share challenges and resources, and talk about how to advocate for nurse safety, patient safety, and the safety of our communities. If you weren’t able to join us, you can click here to see an abridged recording of the meeting.
COVID-19 Safety Checklist for Nurses
On the call, nurses specializing in pandemic response and labor-management strategies shared a COVID-19 Safety Checklist for Nurses you can use to be sure your facility is acting quickly to implement known best practices.
Click here to read the COVID-19 Response checklist.
Demanding Government Action to Save Lives
Our healthcare system was unprepared for this crisis and is taking far too long to respond. Through your advocacy we are making progress. Recent federal legislation includes billions for testing and PPE, and here in PA the Governor has committed $50 million for medical supplies and equipment. But that doesn’t get it to the bedside in Pennsylvania.
We need continued advocacy to make sure that elected leaders are using their full authority to release the supplies we have, to manufacture more, and to get it to frontline nurses and their patients.
Take the 2020 Nurse Voter Values Survey
Nurses understand that healthcare decisions are too often made by CEOs and legislators with no bedside experience. The COVID-19 crisis has made it painfully clear that nurses need to be part of decision-making in our facilities and in our capital. Hospital and nursing home regulations, funding decisions and emergency preparedness must be informed by frontline caregivers. Let’s make that happen.
Our 2020 Nurse Voter Values Survey will help to lift up nurse voter values. We can use those to grade candidates running for office so that every nurse and everyone who supports nurses can choose wisely in this year’s elections. Even as we buckle down to face the pandemic, let’s be building our power to be sure that we’re better prepared and have more say in the future.
Click here to fill out the 2020 Nurse Voter Values Survey
Stay safe,
Nurse Alliance of SEIU HCPA