Last week, hundreds of healthcare workers from our union came together in Lancaster to be empowered and learn vital skills at the SEIU Healthcare PA 2017 Leadership Assembly. This year’s theme: “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Acts,” emphasizes the ability for each of us to change lives through our union and as healthcare workers.
We heard from Tashia Frazier and Danielle Bedford, CNAs from Saunders House, who used their union power to nearly eliminate resident falls by changing how they do their work. Tashia and Danielle are saving the lives of residents at Saunders, and they are also saving money — money that can be used to achieve more of their goals. And we heard the incredibly moving story of Michelle Schwartzmeier, whose daughter Casey died of an opioid overdose after months of struggling to get clean because her insurance “wasn’t good enough.”

-Gary Canada with Valerie Artis, Chestnut Hill Hospital
As healthcare workers, we are facing big challenges on the job and in our communities. But the 500 member leaders who came together in Lancaster are committed to doing what it takes to tackle those challenges and improve the lives of healthcare workers and the people we care for. We proved that when we marched on Rep. Smucker’s office to call him out on his efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and take away healthcare for millions.
Now we’re carrying our commitment home with us. Together, we’re going to:
- Re-commit and Re-sign every member in every facility: When all union members sign new union cards, we send a strong message that we are united and committed to improving our workplaces for ourselves and our patients, residents, and consumers.
- Embrace every new worker: Every new worker needs a “hug” and a warm welcome into our union! Let’s make sure everyone understands that their union contract protects their rights, guarantees raises, and provides valuable resources if problems arise.
- Build strong chapters: We will improve communication so our coworkers know where to go for help and see examples of how our contracts are protecting us. Enhanced training for chapter leaders will enable us to defend the rights in our union contract, and achieve better, stronger contracts in the coming years.
- Make our laws reflect our priorities: Anti-worker politicians want to weaken our power to improve the care we provide and our jobs. We need to learn where the candidates stand, and support elected leaders like Governor Tom Wolf and Senator Bob Casey who stick up for healthcare workers. You can watch Governor Wolf’s message here.
As a former nursing home worker, I know how committed everyone one of us is to providing the very best for those we care for, even in the most difficult circumstances. I also know that when we stand together, we can build better contracts, improve care, and lift up all workers. Together, we will rise!