LANCASTER, PA — On Thursday, December 12th, at 5:15 p.m., nearly one year after 20 children and six adults were senselessly killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., healthcare professionals from SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania will join faith leaders, elected officials, area residents and other supporters at Penn Square in Lancaster, Pa. (25 S Queen St, Lancaster, Pa. 17603) to remember the tragedy and call on our legislators to work towards a solution to reduce the level of gun violence that plagues our society.
Attending the candlelight vigil and call to action are Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray, Pennsylvania State Representative Mike Sturla, and Che Saitta, of CeaseFirePA. Members of SEIU Healthcare PA and others will also share their stories of how gun violence has affected their personal and professional lives.
Vigil participants will call on legislators in Harrisburg to support House Bill 1010 to close the loophole in Pennsylvania’s background check regulations — a loophole that allows felons, domestic abusers and those suffering from mental illness to purchase long guns like shotguns, hunting rifles and military-style semi-automatic rifles in private sales without background checks.
WHAT: Candlelight Vigil and Call to Action to Reduce Gun Violence
WHO: Healthcare professionals and members of SEIU Healthcare PA, local elected officials, area residents and supporters.
WHERE: Penn Square, 25 Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. 17603.
WHEN: Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 5:15 p.m.