Over the past thirty years, hard working women and men at Golden Living nursing homes (formerly known as Beverly Enterprises) have built their unions and united statewide for maximum power. They’ve stood up against assaults on their union organizing rights, organized their co-workers and built one of the strongest statewide contracts for nursing home workers in Pennsylvania.
As Golden Living workers at 26 facilities started preparing to negotiate a new statewide contract in the fall, Licensed Practical Nurses from various facilities decided that they too wanted to have a voice for themselves and for their residents.
Beginning in October LPNs from GLC Blue Ridge Mountain, then GLC Meyersdale, GLC West Shore and GLC Titusville, united with their co-workers and joined the union. Overall, nearly 100 Golden Living LPNs joined our union since October, with more facilities in the process. They join more than 2200 other Golden Living workers united for a fair contract!