Stand with nursing home workers getting ready to go on strike

After getting $600M in new funding for wages, staffing, and resident care, owners at the largest three chains Comprehensive, Priority, and Guardian refuse to bargain in good faith with union caregivers. That’s why nursing home workers across the state are getting ready to do whatever it takes, including hold Unfair Labor Practices in August, to hold these owners accountable.

stand with them

Pass safe staffing in Pennsylvania hospitals

After risking their lives during the COVID pandemic, nurses have united around the Patient Safety Act (HB 106 / Senate Bill 240), which requires safe staffing in PA hospitals. Add your name in support of these house and senate bills which will improve patient care, save lives, and protect workers in every hospital in our state.


Become a Member Political Organizer

Member Political Organizers (MPOs) are union members who take temporary leave from work to dedicate full- or part-time hours to our union’s political advocacy. While part of an MPO program, the union pays your regular hourly rate, or $15 per hour (whichever is greater).

Sign Up

Become a Delegate

Delegates are leaders in a Chapter who help their coworkers hold the employer accountable to the union contract and can answer union-related questions.

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The Pennsylvania Chapter of SEIU AFRAM, made up of healthcare workers of African descent across all of Pennsylvania, hosts events in our communities to promote racial, economic, and political justice that we invite all to join. We will be regularly updating our AFRAM calendar with these opportunities.

Learn More


Our Committee On Political Education (COPE) is the primary way our members build power beyond the bedside. Through contributions to COPE, we elect and hold accountable leaders in Harrisburg and Washington who make and pass laws and regulations that directly affect our staffing, safety, and union rights.

Contribute to COPE