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Staffing Updates



Union Newsletters

July Newsletter

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July Newsletter - 8.5 x 11

June 5, 2023

The time has come!

My name is Patty, and I’m a Vice President of our union and the Nursing Home Director. As a former CNA (with a daughter who followed in my footsteps!), I take this work personally. A lot has happened in our nursing homes since the beginning of the year, and I’m really excited to share some big union updates with you. 

The biggest news: The time has come – New safe staffing ratios begin July 1st! For the first time in PA, we won improved CNA and LPN ratios. But we know it will take us together to make sure our homes achieve these ratios. (More on that below…)

Union caregivers like you demanded, worked with elected leaders and employers, and won huge improvements for our residents. We’ve raised care standards and raised wages for staff in all departments. 

We’ve overcome too much and worked too damn hard to go backwards. That’s why we have a union plan to work with and hold accountable employers – especially to achieve the new ratios.

Check out our June union update below and see how YOU can take action this month.

– Patty

Standing Up For Our Residents: June Staffing Ratios Update

All In to Achieve New Staffing Ratios

On May 23rd, over 100 leaders from facilities across the state came to Harrisburg for a one-day training on working with and holding accountable employers. Staffing Enforcement Officers (SEOs) learned what actions to take in different scenarios of inadequate staffing and were able to ask the Department of Health questions. These skills will be important as we work hard in July with the DOH and employers to achieve the new ratios.

Tracking Staffing Levels

On June 12th, we are going to do one round of tracking staffing levels in our facilities. Our union tracking tool collects info so we can know the real census on the floor. The tool also automatically tells you how many CNAs and LPNs should be on shift based on how many residents you enter into the tool. SEOs and members should join another training Wednesday, June 7th at 11am or 7pm via Zoom to learn how to track using this tool!

Sign Up to be an SEO

Actions of the Month

Progress is made when we stand together and act together. Make sure you and your coworkers take action this month:

  1. Join the June 7th Zoom – 11am or 7pm: Learn how to track staffing levels in your facility for the 1st round of tracking using our union’s tool

Zoom Link for 11am and 7pm: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84049946449

Call In Number: +12678310333,,84049946449# 

2. Sign the Unity Petition: We’re standing together to achieve the July 1st ratios, and we’ll also ask our administrators and employers to commit to achieving the ratios as well. Sign the paper or digital petition here.

Sign the Petition

3. Make sure YOU and your coworkers tell the national CMS that we need safe staffing now! Industry leaders have sent thousands of comments to the CMS saying safe staffing is not important for quality care. Some say safe staffing can be detrimental to residents.

Tell the CMS we need safe staffing

Why We Advocate

“My residents deserve to be taken care of the way they should be. With safe staffing, residents and staff would not get hurt. The people who buy facilities should be held accountable. They need to stop viewing residents as a head in the bed and think of them as the human beings that they are.” – Shannon M.

“Residents should not have to wait to eat their meals!” – Pat W.

“Our residents need us to be there to help them. I can’t help my residents when I have to care for 20+ by myself.” – Bonnie S.

May 25, 2023

It was so nice to see you

It was great meeting you this past Tuesday. It was also powerful and energizing to see Staffing Enforcement Officers from every corner of the state in one room, brainstorming solutions to unsafe staffing and planning how we’ll hold employers accountable to the new ratios. 

We are united, and we are ready to achieve these ratios for quality resident care.

Next week, we’ll send out the top information presented at the training. For now, here are the next steps:

  1. Come to the June 7th Zoom meeting for all SEOs. We’ll go over how to track staffing levels again using our tracking tool. This is important, because we will do our 1st round of tracking in our facilities that following week. Bring your coworkers to the Zoom!
    June 7th Zoom Link
  2. Sign your coworkers up on the Open Letter (in your purple folder). We need to show that we are united and serious about working with our employers and holding them accountable to the new staffing ratios starting July 1st.
  3. Make sure you and your coworkers submit your staffing story to the national CMS. Owners across the country are telling CMS that safe staffing standards are detrimental to care. We need to make our voices loud and clear: Residents and workers deserve safe staffing nationwide.

Send Your Staffing Story to the CMS

Let’s do this!

In solidarity, 


Coming this Summer: PA’s New Nursing Home Staffing Ratios

After decades of advocacy, caregivers in Pennsylvania won CNA and LPN staffing ratios for quality resident care. It’s up to us to make sure these ratios are followed — including working with and holding accountable employers.

Sign Up to be a Staffing Enforcement Officer at Your Facility

Lead your coworkers to hold our employers accountable to the new Pennsylvania staffing ratios that begin this July.

Commit to be a Staffing Enforcement Officer

New Staffing Ratios

LPN Staffing Ratio

Starting in July 1, 2023:

  • Day Shift: 1 LPN per 25 residents
  • Evening Shift: 1 LPN per 30 residents
  • Night Shift: 1 LPN per 40 residents

CNA Staffing Ratio

CNA staffing ratios will go into effect in two phases:

New staffing levels starting on July 1, 2023 will be:

  • Day Shift: 1 CNA per 12 residents  
  • Evening Shift: 1 CNA per 12 residents 
  • Night Shift: 1 CNA per 20 residents

Effective July 1, 2024, the staffing levels for CNAs improve to: 

  • Day Shift: 1 CNA per 10 residents
  • Evening Shift: 1 CNA per 11 residents
  • Night Shift 1 CNA per 15 residents

What’s Next:

Our union is committed to holding employers accountable to the new law:

  • We’ll be meeting with the Department of Health to make sure that they enforce the law.
  • We’ll be working in every one of our 110 nursing homes statewide to ensure that we’re holding management accountable.
  • We’ll be holding politicians accountable to make sure these new laws take effect.