Good News first — we’ve completely effects bargaining over the closing of regular operations at Tyler Memorial Hospital. Here’s what we won:
- No educational reimbursement is owed by anyone who left Tyler Hospital as a result of the ceasing of operations on Sept. 30, 2021;
- All vacation and sick time for employees who stayed at the facility will transfer to their new position in the new organization;
- Unused vacation time will be paid out to all employees who left Tyler Hospital as a result of the ceasing of operations on Sept. 30, 2021; and
- Any employee who worked on Labor Day (Sep. 6, 2021) and wasn’t given another day off prior to Sept. 30, 2021 shall be compensated at the employee’s base rate.
We only won these because we are continuing to stand together as a union to fight for them. If you have any questions about these terms or any other issues related to effects bargaining, please reach out to your organizer.
The Not-So-Good News
Our bargaining committee is working hard to reach a fair agreement with the new hospital organization, but management is still proposing language that will:
- Weaken our ability to have a strong union;
- Allow them to modify or decrease wages unilaterally;
- Allow them to reassign shifts as they please (for example, from day shift to night shift);
- Raise our healthcare costs an unlimited amount; and
- Only offer a 1.25% wage increase.
We won’t accept that!
Our bargaining committee is fighting for language that will:
- Ensure good, fair wages and a proper wage increase across the board;
- Offer consistency and a reasonable work-life balance;
- Keep our healthcare affordable; and
- Strengthen our union!
We will be meeting with management again on Monday, Dec. 20, 2021. If you are interested in joining our committee at the bargaining table and want to stand up for what you and your coworkers deserve, please contact your organizer, Anthony Downing, at 484-666-2866 or at