On the Path to Becoming the First Black Woman to Represent Pittsburgh and Western PA in Congress, Summer Proved She’s a Transformational Leader Who Championed Essential Healthcare Workers and #UnionsForAll
UPDATED RELEASE: May 20th, 2022
Contact: scott.vogel@seiuhcpa.org or karen.gownley@seiuhcpa.org
(Pittsburgh, PA) – UPDATE: Dave Wasserman from the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, one of the most highly respected election analysts in the country, tweeted that Summer Lee won Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District, and added to the growing chorus and pressure for Steve Irwin to finally concede the election.
Dave Wasserman tweeted Friday, May 20th: “I’ve seen enough: state Rep. Summer (D) wins the #PA12 Dem primary Steve Irwin (D).
I've seen enough: state Rep. Summer Lee (D) wins the #PA12 Dem primary, defeating Steve Irwin (D).
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) May 20, 2022
Essential healthcare workers in Pittsburgh and across the entire state celebrated Summer Lee’s historic election victory in the Democratic primary for Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District.
Matt Yarnell, President of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania, issued the following statement in response to Summer Lee’s inspiring primary election victory.
“SEIU member leaders and community volunteers showed up in force for Summer Lee to knock on doors, call neighbors, and donate to Summer’s campaign because we know ‘she’s the real deal.’ We elect our true champions and inspiring leaders, up and down the ballot, who are willing to fight for us. Summer Lee is one of them.
“Summer Lee elevated our politics to something greater as she joined healthcare workers at events, rallies, and on the picket line.
“She centered the election on the need to give workers the right to form their union, how to solve the short-staffing crisis, why we must fund and invest in our healthcare system and communities, and demand real accountability for rich corporations who refuse to pay their fair share in taxes.
“Summer Lee continues to be an inspiration, especially for Black Women and communities of color. She is now on a path to becoming the first Black Women to represent Western PA in Congress. We are committed to seeing her elected on November 8th and supporting her bold vision so that working families have quality jobs with living wages, affordable healthcare, and able to live our lives in thriving communities with real opportunities.

“We are in the midst of a profound political, economic, social and technological transformation stemming from this COVID pandemic. The question that all essential workers and families must ask ourselves is this: ‘Who do we want leading and shaping this transformation?’
“That question was answered in this election – and that leader, without question, is Summer Lee!”
SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania is the state’s largest and fastest-growing union of nurses and healthcare workers, uniting tens of thousands of professional and technical employees, direct care workers, and service employees in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home- and community-based services, and state facilities across the Commonwealth. SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania members are committed to improving the lives of health care workers and ensuring quality care and healthy communities for all Pennsylvanians.
seiuhcpa.org — www.facebook.com/seiuhcpa — twitter.com/seiuhcpa