On October 2, 2020 the Executive Board of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania issued the following statement:
We Are Leading The Way
On September 29th, millions of Americans witnessed the President of the United States project a message of division, discrimination, and disrespect.
Living and working in diverse communities, our union members hold to various religious, cultural, and political values. However, no matter our community or the color of our skin, we all aspire to a shared public life where everyone can feel secure, where every person has worth, and where every voice and every vote counts.
When we study and train to become caregivers, we learn as the first principle of healthcare the ancient motto: “first, do no harm.”
By casting aspersions on the voting rights of people in Philadelphia and by broadcasting his affinity with extremist organizations that advocate violence, the President caused deep harm while putting himself first and our democracy last.
Above and beyond differences over public policy we may have with the President, we reject this disgrace. His performance was not the behavior of an American leader.
If the President will not lead the way towards the security and equality we want for all our families, then we will.
We are leading the way to overcome the out of control COVID-19 pandemic. We are leading the way to win good jobs with rights at work. We are leading the way to overcome racism with solidarity. We are leading the way for working people across Pennsylvania in their millions to cast their ballots.
We are leading the way to a more just and humane society.