SEIU’s Henry: Senate must fight for our families by taking action against House Republicans healthcare repeal vote which is an attack on jobs and lives of working people
House Republicans give the wealthiest huge tax break at the expense of working families
WASHINGTON—SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement regarding the House vote to approve the American Health Care Act (AHCA) by 217-213.
“Republicans in the House of Representatives have just voted to destroy the lives of millions of hardworking Americans by gutting Medicaid, ripping away their healthcare, and eliminating millions of jobs.
“House Republicans have consciously put the profits of corporations and the wealthy over the health of 1 in 5 Americans who count on Medicaid, including seniors, children and people with disabilities. They have rigged the rules so that insurance companies can be allowed to charge older Americans and the sickest among us much more—with no real protections for people living with pre-existing conditions.
“They have put their own self-interest above that of the working families they are elected to represent by voting to increase costs and endanger the health of working Americans, but at the same time protecting their own families and staff from the risks of being denied care due to a pre-existing condition.
“Every element of this healthcare repeal will deeply damage the health and livelihoods of millions of working families who already struggle to pay their bills and provide healthcare for their families. The Senate must do its job and serve as a check on the self-interested House by taking a stand for working families, stopping this outrageous tax giveaway at our expense, and saving millions from financial and personal disaster.”
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) unites 2 million diverse members in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. SEIU members working in the healthcare industry, in the public sector and in property services believe in the power of joining together on the job to win higher wages and benefits and to create better communities while fighting for a more just society and an economy that works for all of us, not just corporations and the wealthy.