SEIU has a long and proud history of helping members pursue their dreams of higher education. To that end, SEIU offers scholarships to support studies in the arts, social justice, labor and the healthcare fields.
The 2014-2015 scholarship program kicks off Dec. 2nd. The following scholarships are available:
SEIU Lottery Scholarships
$1000 scholarships renewable for up to four years. $1,500 scholarships for one year. Apply online at (registration required.)
The Bonnie Ladin Scholarship
$500 to $1000 scholarships for use in any of the degree programs within the School of Labor Studies at National Labor College. In honor of the late Bonnie Ladin, an organizer at SEIU for 20 years who played an integral role in building SEIU to make it the union it is today. To be eligible, an applicant must have been a member of SEIU for 3 continuous years as of September 1st of the award year. Officers and employees of the International Union and their children are not eligible. Scholarship awards are limited to one per household. Apply online at
SEIU J.J. Johnson Scholarship
$5,000 scholarship renewable for up to four years given to a student whose work and aspirations for economic and social justice reflect the values and accomplishments of J.J. Johnson, former Local Union President of Local 617 in New Jersey and one of the founding members of SEIU’s African American Caucus, AFRAM. Apply online at (registration required.)
SEIU Moe Foner Scholarship
$5,000 nonrenewable scholarship is available to students who are pursuing a degree or training in the visual or performing arts, and who, like Bread and Roses founder Moe Foner, believes the arts are a vehicle to advance social change. Apply online at (registration required.)
Nora Piore Scholarship
$4,000 scholarship renewable for up to two years made possible by the family of Nora Piore, a public healthcare pioneer whose career spanned more than 60 years. Piore worked as a union organizer, labor educator, college professor, healthcare economist and healthcare activist who changed the face of public health in the United States. Apply online at (registration required.)
Find more information and links to online applications here.