The LGBTQ labor group gathered to present PA Governor with an award for his efforts on behalf of the LGBTQ community at large
PLYMOUTH MEETING, PA – Labor and LGBTQ community leaders gathered Wednesday night at the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1776 Keystone State (UFCW Local 1776 KS) offices in Plymouth Meeting, PA to honor Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf for his tireless efforts to support the LGBTQ community and present him with the Pride@Work – Pennsylvania Champion of LGBTQ Equality Award.
“This is the first time Pride at Work has ever given such an award and our selection was easy as Governor Wolf has been such an absolutely outstanding advocate for LGBTQ issues,” said P@W-PA Co-President Michele Kessler, Secretary-Treasurer of UFCW Local 1776KS. “LGBTQ Pennsylvanians and their families have never had a stronger ally in Harrisburg.”
Pride@Work – Pennsylvania is a nonprofit organization that represents LGBTQ union members and allies. An officially recognized constituency group of the AFL-CIO, the group organizes mutual support between the organized labor movement and the LGBTQ community to further social and economic justice. Pride@Work boasts more than 20 chapters across the country.
“Governor Wolf has been a champion for the rights of LGBTQ people in Harrisburg since day one,” said P@W Co-President Matthew Yarnell, President of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania. “As bigoted and intolerant politicians both here in Pennsylvania and across the nation ramp up their attacks the LGBTQ community, Governor Wolf continues to be a last line of defense on our behalf. Thank you, Governor Wolf, for being a true ally.”
Gov. Wolf has repeatedly made headlines as an advocate of LGBTQ issues from his nomination of Dr. Rachel Levine as PA Physician General and Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health, making her the first-ever transgender individual to reach this level of government in Pennsylvania, to the recent creation of the Pennsylvania Commission on LGBTQ Affairs, the only one in the nation, designed to coordinate and drive statewide equality efforts.
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Contact: James Myers, SEIU Healthcare PA: 215-479-2213;
SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania is the state’s largest and fastest-growing union of nurses and healthcare workers, uniting nearly 45,000 nurses, professional and technical employees, direct care workers, and service employees in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home- and community-based services, and State facilities across the Commonwealth. SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania members are committed to improving the lives of health care workers` and ensuring quality care and healthy communities and for all Pennsylvanians.
United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 1776 Keystone State is a 30,000 member strong labor union with members across Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia. Representing workers in grocery, retail, packing and processing, cannabis, and more, Local 1776 KS exists to promote equality and inclusivity in the workplace while protecting and improving the rights of working people.