We are the largest nurse organization in Pennsylvania and use our voice to win real improvements for nurses, patients, and the communities we serve.
Healthcare is changing, becoming big business with corporations calling the shots. Instead of leaving our future up to insurance companies, hospital administrators and lobbyists, nurses are taking responsibility for our patients and our profession by sitting at the bargaining table and insisting that hospitals invest in nurse and patient priorities.
This means we address issues like staffing, patient safety, professional development, pay, and much more in our contracts. In fact, we are the only nurses’ union in PA who has won enforceable staffing ratios in our contracts. Every nurse in our union is a member of the Pennsylvania and national Nurse Alliance. Together, we have the power to make changes like:
- In 2008, the Nurse Alliance of PA was instrumental in passing a law that banned mandatory overtime. Act 102 protects healthcare workers from MOT in most circumstances.
- In 2014, we stopped passage of a bill that would put staffing decisions into the hands of employer-based staffing committees that lack real authority. As nurses, we recognize this isn’t a solution and urged lawmakers to focus on nurse-to-patient ratio laws instead.
- Did you know current Pennsylvania law says nurses must display their last name on their photo ID name badges? A current bill would remove that requirement, and SEIU Healthcare PA nurses are on the forefront of advocating for passage of that bill, HB 1880.
- This year we are committed to visiting every legislator in PA to make sure they stand with nurses and will support a safe staffing ratio law.
- 94% of nurses report that their facility does not have enough nursing staff.
- 87% report that staffing levels affecting patient care are getting worse.
Click below to read more about what SEIU Healthcare PA nurses are accomplishing!