The Nurse Alliance of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania has announced it’s 2014 Spring Education Forum will be held on Wednesday, April 30, at the Sheraton Harrisburg-Hershey, 4650 Lindle Road in Harrisburg. Registration begins at 8:00 AM and the program begins at 9:30 AM. The theme of this year’s forum will be Changing the Atmosphere: Creating a Safer Healthcare Environment. Attendees will receive 6 CE credits towards Pennsylvania nursing license renewal.*
It is important to understand our changing healthcare environment and how we can work together to create a safer workplace for everyone. Healthcare and Social Assistance (HCSA) is one of the largest industries in the United States, with an estimated 18.9 million workers in 2010. In that year alone, HCSA workers accounted for more injury and illness cases than any other sector. In 2011, hospitals recorded 6.8 work-related injuries and illnesses for every 100 full-time employees, almost twice the rate for private industry as a whole.
Most enter the healthcare industry with the desire to help people who are suffering from physical or psychological pain. Unfortunately, many of these same people are victims of violence — sometimes even at the hands of the very people they are trying to help and comfort. Across the Commonwealth and across the nation, we are seeing an increase in illness, accidents, and injury to healthcare workers. Our spring education forum will address this issue and is open to all RNs, LPNs. and ANY SEIU Healthcare PA member involved or interested in being more involved in addressing these issues in their facility.
The Spring CE day will include three informational sessions: The Numbers Don’t Lie — Healthcare Facilities Are Not a Safe Place, Where Does the Violence Start? What Every Nurse Needs to Know About Domestic Violence Laws, and Rules, Regulations, and Laws That Keep Nurses Safe at Work — Achieving Compliance. In additional, three breakout sessions will also be held: Precautions and Practices to Keep Nurses Safe, Nurses Have the Right to Work in a Safe Environment — Or Do They?, and Strategic Planning for a Health & Safety Committee in Your Facility.
Due to the importance of this year’s topic, this CE day is open to ALL SEIU Healthcare PA members who wish to attend. For more information, contact Deborah Bonn, RN and Director of SEIU Nurse Alliance of PA at 814-381-6693 or
You can register online for the Spring CE day here. Registration fee is $10.
Download a brochure for more information on sessions and speakers.
* Participants are required to stay for entire program to receive CE credit. No partial credits are available.