Dear fellow RNs at the GWV & GSWB campuses of GWVMC,

Welcome to all of you! We have scheduled an orientation for you on Tuesday, May 24th in the Terrazzo Room at GSWB. We will hold an 8am meeting and an 8pm meeting — you must choose which one you will attend.  At this meeting, we will review your union benefits and introduce you to your chapter leaders and organizers.

Our union, SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania, is the largest healthcare & nursing union in PA, representing all disciplines in healthcare. As we know, it takes all of us working together to deliver the best possible quality care to our patients!

I look forward to seeing you at one of the above meetings so we may welcome you and update you about our union and our membership.

You can fill out your membership card in advance by clicking on this link:

In unity & solidarity,
Ruth Visintainer Chapter President GWVMC Chapter SEIU HCPA
Mary DelPlato, Administrative Organizer

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