For too long, insurance companies and their pursuit of profits have been standing in the way of quality care for our families and the patients we care for. So at this year’s Leadership Assembly we took a couple hours to save health care from the jaws of corporate greed and the PA Chamber of Business and Industry.
The Pennsylvania Chamber has lobbied against giving people a choice between private and public plans, or requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions. We thought denying millions of people health insurance is a strange way to promote quality health care, so we used some giant puppets to illustrate the danger the Chamber represents to our patients.
After a brief rally, we went to ask the Chamber to sign on to a new policy that would protect patients. The policy asked the Chamber and it’s member insurance companies not to stand between doctors and their patients, deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, or continue spending millions lobbying against health care reform.
We were met at the door by Gene Barr, Vice-President of the PA Chamber, who refused to sign the policy. In a Patriot News article following our action, Gene Barr defended the Chamber’s position. “Not allowing denial for pre-existing conditions could result in no one buying health insurance until they need it,” Barr said.
That’s right. According to the Chamber, the 50 million people in this country who can’t get quality health care are actually just waiting to get sick before they buy insurance.
Call your members of Congress today at 1-866-311-3405. Remind them that the US Chamber of Commerce doesn’t represent the majority of America, or even the majority of American businesses. Tell them that millions of Americans are counting on them to stand up to the Chamber and pass real health care reform this year.