How do I know if I’m eligible for Tuition Assistance or other programs?
Training and Education benefits are negotiated as part of your union contract. You can ask you organizer or call the Member Resource Center to find out if your facility is a participating member of the Training and Education Fund or if you have any other education benefits in your contract.
Current Participating Long Term Care Employers:
All Golden Living Centers covered by SEIU Healthcare PA including HSG employees
All Genesis Healthcare Facilities covered by SEIU Healthcare PA
The following Global facilities, including Platinum employees:
The Hearthside
Cambridge Springs
The following Extendicare Facilities:
Beaver Valley
Broad Mountain
Spruce Manor including Sodexo employees
Slate Belt
Guardian Eldercare in Beaver
Guardian Nanticoke
Hospitals engaged in the Lean Quality Improvement program:
Allegheny General Hospital RNs
Heritage Valley Beaver RNs
We don’t have the Training Fund in our contract. How do we get it?
Since this is a benefit negotiated in your union contract, you should speak with your co-workers, your union organizer and the management team at your facility about why you want the Training Fund benefits for you and your co-workers.
What are the benefits?
If you work in a Nursing Home click here.
If you are an RN at Allegheny General Hospital or Heritage Valley Beaver, click here.