Healthcare Transformation is a core priority of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania. With an industry in constant change, we know a quality healthcare system can only be achieved in this country through the collaborative effort of workers and management.
When those on the frontlines of care are empowered to develop projects, systems, and make adjustments in the day-to-day operations of our hospitals and nursing homes, the result is quality, efficient care that has a positive impact on employees and patients alike.
That’s why, in June 2018 SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania hosted its second Healthcare Transformation Summit. Bringing together healthcare workers from hospitals and nursing homes across the state with supervisors, management, and experts in the field, the 2-day Summit provided valuable information and training for all who attended.
Attendees also shared the positive impact their current projects have had on care. From decreasing falls at Saunders House, to a better supply distribution system at Clarion Health and Rehab, to improving communication at bedside reports during shift handoffs ag Allegheny General Hospital, these Healthcare Transformation projects are improving efficiency and saving lives.
Stay tuned for details and testimonials about exciting projects happening through members of SEIU Healthcare PA!