From the Editor:
Lynn Byers, an RN from Allegheny General Hospital got back from Haiti a few days ago. She wasn’t able to blog while she was there, so we’ll be posting some exerpts from the journal she kept on her trip.
I’m here in Haiti! Our flights kept getting changed and delayed, but nevertheless after 3 flights I made it to Haiti. The heat feels good after months of snow and cold.
We rode over to the hospital compound in the back of a pick-up truck. We got a quick tour & orientation, and then some people went to work that night. The fact that a hospital made of tents can have an ER, OR, ICU, pharmacy, X-ray, etc. that was set up so quickly is truly amazing! Emily & I set up a small one person tent because all the cots were taken in the big circus like tent. She went to work & I get to sleep outside.